

WALK and KJOY Simulcast Fireworks Music As Display Returns To Long Island

June 25, 2021

Governor Andrew M. Cuomo today announced that the New York State Office of General Services and New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation are joining with partners again to celebrate Independence Day with fireworks and events from 6-10pm at the Empire State Plaza, including a pop-up vaccination site from 5:30- 8:00pm; and at Jones Beach State Park beginning at 9:30pm.

“Last year many of our favorite annual events were canceled due to COVID, including the iconic Fourth of July fireworks displays at Jones Beach and Empire State Plaza,” Governor Cuomo said. “Thanks to the hard work and dedication of New Yorkers in beating back the virus, we are able to enjoy these summer traditions once again. I encourage all New Yorkers to gather with their loved ones this Independence Day for these spectacular shows that celebrate our freedom as a nation, as well as the perseverance we have shown as a state throughout this pandemic.”

At the Empire State Plaza, New York State’s 45th Independence Day celebration will feature special musical performances by some of the Capital Region’s most exciting bands. Food and beverage vendors will be at the Plaza, selling a variety of delicious foods and tasty New York beverages. The live performances will lead up to the region’s most spectacular fireworks by Santore’s World Famous Fireworks from Schaghticoke, kicking off at approximately 9:15 p.m. 

Since the country’s bicentennial in 1976, OGS has partnered with Price Chopper/Market 32 to put on an Independence Day event that has traditionally drawn tens of thousands of people to the Empire State Plaza.

A pop-up COVID-19 vaccination site will also be located on the Plaza. People can begin registering for a walk-in appointment at 5:30 p.m. The pop-up site will remain open until 8 p.m. while supplies last. 

Free parking will be available starting at 5:30 p.m. in the visitor and “P” lots under the Empire State Plaza, and the Grand Street and Elk Street lots. Event updates are available here, @EmpireStatePlaza on Facebook, and @plazaevents on Twitter, or call (518) 474-4759. Additional information, including directions and ground rules, is available here

At Jones Beach State Park, the Jovia Financial Credit Union Fireworks Spectacular will begin at 9:30 p.m. This year, WALK 97.5 FM and KJOY-98.3 FM will simulcast music during the fireworks presentation. The fireworks are included in the regular price of park admission. This year’s program, with lead sponsorship by Jovia Financial Credit Union, is also made possible with support from the Natural Heritage Trust, Foundation for Long Island State Parks Inc., Captree Boatman’s Association, Newsday, Connoisseur Media Long Island and J & B Restaurant Partners.

OGS Commissioner RoAnn Destito said, “Thanks to the New Yorkers who got us to the 70 percent vaccination milestone, most COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted, and we can once again partner with our generous sponsors at Price Chopper/Market 32 to put on an Independence Day celebration for all to enjoy at the Empire State Plaza. To keep the momentum going, we will have a pop-up vaccination site at the Plaza on July 4, and I encourage everyone who hasn’t received a vaccination to roll up their sleeve and help us keep COVID-19 on the retreat.”

State Parks Commissioner Erik Kulleseid said, “There’s no better way for residents and visitors alike to kick-off America’s birthday than by celebrating with fireworks at one of our more iconic State Parks.Thanks to the grit and perseverance of New Yorkers over the past year, traditions such as these can again be enjoyed by New York families this year.”

Chief Marketing Officier, Jovia Financial Credit Union, Renu Dalessandro, said, “The Fourth of July is the most decorated holiday in our country. This is a milestone moment for Long Island. Not only are we gathering to celebrate our independence, but with restrictions being lifted, it’s also a celebration of gaining back some normalcy and freedom. The Jovia Financial Credit Union Fireworks Spectacular at Jones Beach is symbolic of our perseverance for all we went through during the height of the pandemic, and we are elated to celebrate our healthcare heroes and essential workers as the title sponsor of this explosive and patriotic event on Long Island at Jones Beach.”

Market President and COO for Connoisseur Media Long Island, David Bevins, said, “Attending the Fireworks at Jones Beach is a Long Island rite of passage. Our stations feel a strong sense of pride every year we simulcast the soundtrack to America’s birthday celebration. This year, working with NY State Parks and our partner Jovia Financial Credit Union, we knew this is the time for an event like this to come back to Long Island to help us heal after one of our hardest years. We look forward to the Jovia Financial Credit Union Fireworks Spectacular at Jones Beach on July 4th.

Mona Golub, the hometown supermarket chain’s VP Public Relations & Consumer Services, said, “Price Chopper/Market 32 is thrilled to resume its annual tradition of gathering community to celebrate our freedom and salute our veterans and active military with the region’s premier Independence Day fireworks display. We are grateful to Governor Cuomo for having lifted COVID-19 restrictions in NYS, allowing our neighbors and friends to congregate once again at the majestic Empire State Plaza on July 4.”