

Connecticut’s #1 Morning Show, Chaz and AJ, Help Save a Connecticut Veteran from Foreclosure

November 12, 2015

“Chaz and AJ”, heard on 102.9 the Whale WDRC (Hartford), 99.1 WPLR (New Haven) and 95.9 the FOX (WFOX Stamford/Norwalk), helped raise over $15,000 for a local Connecticut veteran in risk of losing his home today.

Middletown resident Brendon Cameron who formerly served in the United States Air Force in Desert Storm was living a normal life with his wife Janette, and their young family. This past March, he suddenly started experiencing dangerous symptoms consistent with Gulf War Syndrome including epilepsy, tremors, weakness, fatigue, and memory loss among many others. His declining health forced him to stop working. Currently he requires 24-hour care, forcing his wife to leave her job to take care of him. As a result, their home is in foreclosure and they need $8,000 to save it—this is the home they got married in.

Chaz & AJ invited the Camerons on the show on Veterans Day to share their story. Within the first few minutes, the donations came pouring in:

Tom Cantone with Mohegan Sun kicked it off with a pair of Black Sabbath tickets as an auction item. Senator Richard Blumenthal offered a breakfast with him in Washington and tour of Senate floor. Throughout the show, massive donations were called in. Before the end of the show, Chaz & AJ were able to raise: $15,835!

Chaz, of Chaz & AJ in the Morning said: “We’ve done some amazing things on the air…this I will remember forever. Once again, our listeners blew us away with their generosity”.

Connoisseur Media owns and /or operates 42 radio stations including significant clusters in Connecticut, Long Island and New Jersey.